Monday, September 30, 2019

Genetically modified food †Allergy Essay

Genetically modified foods are becoming more and more used in our community. But, they are not as safe as people presume them to be. Genetically modified foods can cause a big problem in the world, even if it can produce large quantities of foods, it is found that it can cause an allergy to certain foods, many scientists had voted to ban them and there not always labeled that it’s a GMO. Therefore, they should be abolished within the world. To start off, the fact that there is a chemical that is produced that can cause allergic reactions to some people. The scientist had stated that the chemical is safe to use: â€Å"But the biotech companies and the Environmental Protection Agency–which regulates plant produced pesticides–tell us not to worry. They contend that the pesticide called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) is produced naturally from a soil bacterium and has a history of safe use. † (Smith). The counter argument was proof that this chemical is actually not safe to use, it can make a person sicker than presumed. Jeffery Smith stated: â€Å"Repeated exposure via inhalation can result in sensitization and allergic response in hypersensitive individuals. † So much for the contention that Bt does not interact with humans. †(Smith). I have been allergic to onions since I was twelve years old, this could be caused by the chemical Bt. If the Scientists saying that is drug is harmless they’re wrong because it’s been proven that this chemical can cause an increase in allergies. Therefore, maybe if we had all natural food growths than maybe I could eat onions now. That is why GMO’s should be abolished. There are so many GMOs that are not even labeled as that how people ever know what their eating if it’s not labeled. It’s the people have a right to know what’s going in there body. Without sharing that information it’s bad for the people to trust anything that is not farmers. Granted some people don’t care, but there are people who do. In an article by Peter Sand he states: â€Å"Hence, in CCFL sessions since 1997,57 the EU and other food importers such as Norway consistently argued that the declared primary purpose of their GM food labeling regulations is not a health risk warning, but information to enable consumers to exercise their freedom of choice. † (Sand) It’s not that the food is completely unsafe that is the problem of not telling them that it’s genetically modified, the problem is that it’s breaking some freedom laws. If a person doesn’t knows about anything how they can make any decision about it. And my final point is that even scientist in some countries signed a petition to ban GMOs from their country. A letter was presented at the World Trade Organization conference in Seattle in 1999. Ed Ayres stated that: â€Å"’The letter expresses â€Å"extreme concern† about the hazards of GMOs to biodiversity, food safety, and human and animal health, and recommends a global moratorium on environmental releases of GMOs â€Å"in accordance with the precautionary principle†Ã¢â‚¬  (Ayres). So even some scientists would like to ban GMOs, How can that make any sense if all GMOs are safe why do scientists want to ban them. When many people whom specialize in that field don’t want it in the country why should any average citizen of any country. It should be abolished if even the people creating it say it should be banned. Not to mention they want to ban it for the safety of people and animals. In conclusion, genetically modified foods cause an increasing problem with the allergy rate increasing, scientist wanting to ban them, and not even telling anyone that they are genetically modified. This could lead to a bigger problem with in the world and it should be stopped now. Genetically modified foods should be abolished within the world.

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